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Lab Tests

Health Tests

17 Hydroxy Corticosteroids, 24hrs Urine

₹ 6500

Purpose : Hormone Disorder

Instructions : .

Health Tests

17 Ketosteroids, 24hrs Urine

₹ 3500

Purpose :

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Health Tests

17 OHP (O Hydroxy Progesterone), Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Liver disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

5 Alpha DHT (Di Hydro Testosterone), Serum

₹ 2700

Purpose : Hormone Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

5HIAA (Hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid), Urine

₹ 3000

Purpose : Metabolic Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Allergy, parasitic infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : It is an estimate of the body's ability to fight infections, especially bacterial infections

Instructions :

Health Tests

ACA IgA (Anti Cardiolipin Antibody), Serum

₹ 750

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders, Abortions, SLE, Lupus, connective tissue disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

ACA IgG (Anti Cardiolipin Antibody), Serum

₹ 750

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders, Abortions, SLE, Lupus, connective tissue disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

ACA IgM (Anti Cardiolipin Antibody), Serum

₹ 750

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders, Abortions, SLE, Lupus, connective tissue disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Sarcoidosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Acetaminophen / Paracetamol, Serum

₹ 1250

Purpose : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

Acid Phosphatase (Total), Serum

₹ 250

Purpose : Disorder of Prostatic gland

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Health Tests

Acidified Test / Ham Test / PNH Test, Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

Instructions :

Health Tests

ACTH (Adreno Cortico Tropic Hormone), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 1250

Purpose : Disorder of Adrenal gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

ADA (Adenosine De Aminase), Ascitic Fluid

₹ 600

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

ADA (Adenosine De Aminase), CSF

₹ 600

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

ADA (Adenosine De Aminase), Pleural Fluid

₹ 600

Purpose : Tuberculosis

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Health Tests

Adeno Virus IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Adeno Virus IgM Antibody, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

ADH (Anti Diuretic Hormone) / Vasopressin, Serum

₹ 6000

Purpose : Water Imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Adrenaline / Epinephrine, 24hrs Urine

₹ 3500

Purpose : Disorder of Adrenal gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

Adrenaline / Epinephrine, EDTA Plasma

₹ 3500

Purpose : Disorder of Adrenal gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Culture (LJ Medium), Sputum

₹ 800

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Culture Automated, Sputum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Sensitivity - Amikacin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Sensitivity - Augmentin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Sensitivity - Capreomycin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Sensitivity - Cycloserine, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Sensitivity - Ethambutol, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

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AFB Sensitivity - Ethionamide, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

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Health Tests

AFB Sensitivity - Isoniazid (INH), Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

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AFB Sensitivity - Kanamycin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFB Sensitivity - Ofloxacin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

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AFB Sensitivity - Pyrazinamide, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

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AFB Sensitivity - Rifampicin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

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AFB Sensitivity - Roxithromycin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

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AFB Sensitivity - Streptomycin, Pure Culture

₹ 5000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

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Health Tests

AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Maternal, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Pre-natal screening to identify fetal abnormalities

Instructions :

Health Tests

AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Tumor Marker, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : For management of patients undergoing cancer therapy

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Health Tests

Albert Stain for C.Diptheriae, Nasal Swab

₹ 250

Purpose : Diphtheria

Instructions :

Health Tests

Albert Stain for C.Diptheriae, Throat Swab

₹ 250

Purpose : Diphtheria

Instructions :

Health Tests

Albumin, Serum

₹ 140

Purpose : Disorder of Liver & Kidney

Instructions :

Health Tests

Alcohol / Ethanol (Qualitative), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Alcohol consumption

Instructions :

Health Tests

Alcohol / Ethanol (Qualitative), Urine

₹ 1000

Purpose : To determine the level of ethanol in the blood

Instructions :

Health Tests

Aldehyde Chopra for Kala Azar, Serum

₹ 500

Purpose : Kala azar

Instructions :

Health Tests

Aldolase, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Disorder of skeletal muscles

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Health Tests

Aldosterone, 24 hrs Urine

₹ 2200

Purpose : Hypertension & Hypokalemia

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Health Tests

Aldosterone, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : Hypertension & Hypokalemia

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Health Tests

Alkaptonuria / Homogenistic Acid, Spot Urine

₹ 1200

Purpose : Genetical Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Allergy Screening Phadiatop - Adult, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Allery detction

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Health Tests

ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase), Pleural Fluid

₹ 250

Purpose :

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Health Tests

ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase), Serum

₹ 190

Purpose : Diagnosis of biliary obstructive disorder, tumors of liver and bone etc.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprotein, Serum

₹ 4500

Purpose : Nervous system problem

Instructions :

Health Tests

Alpha 1 Anti Trypsin, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Early lung disease, Neonatal hepatitis and Infantile cirrhosis

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Health Tests

Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Serum

₹ 4000

Purpose : In Cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, severe burns and diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Alpha HBDH (Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase), Serum

₹ 650

Purpose : Heart Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

AMA (Anti Mitochondrial Antibody) / M2 3E IgG , Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : NA

Instructions :

Health Tests

AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone), Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : to check ability to produce eggs that can be fertilized for pregnancy.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Amino Acid Qualitative Screen, Spot Urine

₹ 1600

Purpose : Metabolism disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Ammonia, 24hrs Urine

₹ 1000

Purpose : Liver disease

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Health Tests

Ammonia, EDTA Plasma

₹ 1000

Purpose : Liver disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Amoebic Serology / Amoebiasis IgG Antibody / Entamoeba Histolytica, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : To determine the parasitic disease of the intestines

Instructions :

Health Tests

Amylase, Ascitic Fluid

₹ 1000

Purpose : Disorder of pancreas

Instructions :

Health Tests

Amylase, Serum

₹ 500

Purpose : Disorder of pancreas

Instructions :

Health Tests

ANA (Anti Nuclear Antibody/Factor IFA), Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Health Tests

ANA / ANF (Anti Nuclear Antibody), Serum

₹ 700

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

ANCA MPO / p ANCA 2, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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₹ 1800

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Health Tests

Androstenedione (A4), Serum

₹ 1820

Purpose : Disorder of Adrenal gland

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Health Tests

Angiotensin I, Serum

₹ 25000

Purpose : sarcoidosis

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Health Tests

Anti CCP (Cyclic Citrullinated Peptides), Serum

₹ 1750

Purpose : Diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis & entities that may be confused with Rheumatoid arthritis that are RF positive

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Health Tests

Anti D (Rh)Antibody Titer, Serum

₹ 1250

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Health Tests

Anti Ds DNA, Serum

₹ 1700

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Health Tests

Anti GAD / GAD 65 (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase), Serum

₹ 6500

Purpose : Diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes or LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood)

Instructions :

Health Tests

Anti Jo 1 IgG, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Health Tests

Anti LKM1 (Liver Kidney Microsomes), Serum

₹ 3500

Purpose : Liver Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

Anti Rib P IgG (Ribosomal P Protein Antibody), Serum

₹ 15000

Purpose : NA

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Anti RNP / U1SnRNP Antibody (Small nuclear Ribonucleo Protein) - IgG, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Anti Scl 70 (Scleroderma), Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Auto immune disorders

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Anti Sm / Anti Smith / Smith Antibody - IgG, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Anti SSA Ro (Soluble Substance A) IgG, Serum

₹ 1700

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Anti SSB La (Soluble Substance B) IgG, Serum

₹ 1700

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Anti Thrombin 3 Activity, Citrate Plasma

₹ 3000

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders

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Health Tests

Anti TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase), Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Thyroid Disorder

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Health Tests

APA IgA (Anti Phospholipid Antibody), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders & Abortions

Instructions :

Health Tests

APA IgG (Anti Phospholipid Antibody), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders & Abortions

Instructions :

Health Tests

APA IgM (Anti Phospholipid Antibody), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders & Abortions

Instructions :

Health Tests

APC Resistance Test (Activated Protein C), Serum

₹ 4500

Purpose : This assay detects thrombotic risk factors other than factor V Leiden.

Instructions :

Health Tests

APO A1 : APO B (Apolipoproteins) Ratio, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Cardiovascular Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Apolipoproteins (APO) A1&B and Ratio, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Cardiovascular Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Apolipoproteins A1 (APO A1), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Cardiovascular Disease

Instructions :

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Apolipoproteins B (APO B), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Cardiovascular Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

ASAB Total (Anti Sperm Antibody), Serum

₹ 1050

Purpose : Fertility

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ASKA (Anti Skeletal Muscle Antibody), Serum

₹ 3500

Purpose : Myasthenia Gravis

Instructions :

Health Tests

ASMA (Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody), Serum

₹ 1900

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

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ASO (Anti Streptolysin O Titer), Serum

₹ 500

Purpose : Streptococcal Infections

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Health Tests

Aspergillus (Galactomannan) Antigen, Serum

₹ 5500

Purpose :

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Aspergillus Antibody IgE, Serum

₹ 2350

Purpose :

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Aspergillus Antibody IgG, Serum

₹ 2350

Purpose : Infection

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Aspergillus Antibody IgM, Serum

₹ 2350

Purpose :

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ATA / ATG / Anti TG (Antithyroglobulin antibodies), Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Thyroid Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

B2MG (Beta 2 Microglobulin), Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : tumor marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

Bence Jones / BJ Protein - Qualitative, Urine

₹ 550

Purpose : Multiple Myeloma

Instructions :

Health Tests

Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgA, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibody tests are primarily used along with cardiolipin antibody and lupus anticoagulant testing to help diagnose: Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

Instructions :

Health Tests

Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibody tests are primarily used along with cardiolipin antibody and lupus anticoagulant testing to help diagnose: Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

Instructions :

Health Tests

Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibody tests are primarily used along with cardiolipin antibody and lupus anticoagulant testing to help diagnose: Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

Instructions :

Health Tests

Beta HCG (Free), Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Pregnancy

Instructions :

Health Tests

Beta HCG, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Pregnancy

Instructions :

Health Tests

Bicarbonate / HCO3, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : To determine rough estimate of your acid-base balance.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Bile Acid, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : The bile acid, total test is done to diagnose hepatobiliary diseases such as acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, liver sclerosis, liver cancer, and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Bile Pigment, Urine

₹ 100

Purpose : Liver Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Bile Salt and Pigment, Urine

₹ 200

Purpose : Liver Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Bile Salt, Urine

₹ 100

Purpose : Liver Disorder

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Bilirubin Direct, Serum

₹ 140

Purpose : Liver Disorder

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Bilirubin Indirect, Serum

₹ 250

Purpose : Liver Disorder

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Bilirubin TDI, Serum

₹ 250

Purpose : Liver Disorder

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Bilirubin Total, Serum

₹ 140

Purpose : Liver Disorder

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Blood Group (ABO and Rh Typing), Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Blood Group

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Health Tests

Borrelia Burgdorferi IgG Antibodies / Lyme D, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM Antibodies / Lyme D, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Brucella Antibody, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

Brucella IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Fever

Instructions :

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Brucella IgM Antibody, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

BT (Bleeding Time)(*Patient required to come at lab)

₹ 200

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen), Serum

₹ 140

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

BUN/Creatinine Ratio, Serum

₹ 280

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

C Peptide, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

C Reactive Protein (CRP) - Qualitative, Serum

₹ 300

Purpose :

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C Reactive Protein (CRP) - Quantitative, Serum

₹ 400

Purpose : Cardiac Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

C Reactive Protein - High Sensitivity / hsCRP, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : For Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

C3 (Complement 3), Serum

₹ 700

Purpose : Disorders of Kidney & Inflammation

Instructions :

Health Tests

C4 (Complement 4), Serum

₹ 700

Purpose : Disorders of Kidney & Inflammation

Instructions :

Health Tests

CA 125 (Cancer Antigen), Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Ovarian Cancer marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

CA 15.3 (Cancer Antigen), Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Breast Cancer marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

CA 19.9 (Cancer Antigen), Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Colon, Stomach & Bile duct cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

CA 242 (Cancer Antigen), Serum

₹ 18000

Purpose : Pancreatic Cancer marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

CA 50 (Cancer Antigen), Serum

₹ 20000

Purpose : Used as a marker for detection of gastrointestinal cancers, especially of pancreatic and colon cancer.

Instructions :

Health Tests

CA 72.4 (Cancer Antigen), Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : gastric cancers

Instructions :

Health Tests

Calcitonin, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : Bone Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Calcium (Ca), 24 hrs Urine

₹ 320

Purpose : Calcium Disorder

Instructions :

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Calcium (Ca), Serum

₹ 160

Purpose : Calcium Disorder

Instructions :

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Calcium Ionized, Serum

₹ 500

Purpose : Calcium Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Calculus Analysis / Stone Analysis

₹ 1000

Purpose : Crystal Analysis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Calprotectin, Stool

₹ 3000

Purpose : This test is used to detect inflammation in the intestines. Intestinal inflammation is associated with, for example, some bacterial infections and, in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), it is associated with disease activity and severity.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Carbamazepine / Tegretol, Serum

₹ 900

Purpose :

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Health Tests

CBC (Complete Blood Count), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 400

Purpose : Blood Counts

Instructions :

Health Tests

CD 20 Marker, Tissue

₹ 2000

Purpose : To diagnose cancer or plan cancer treatment. CD20 antigen is a type of tumor marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

CD 4, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : To check the health of your immune system if you are infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

Instructions :

Health Tests

CD A/B (Clostridium Difficile Toxin A & B), Stool

₹ 2500

Purpose : It is a test that looks for the effects of the cytotoxin (cytotoxicity) on human cells grown in culture.

Instructions :

Health Tests

CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen), Serum

₹ 720

Purpose : Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

Centromere Antibody, Serum

₹ 1600

Purpose : Arthritis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Ceruloplasmin / Copper Oxidase, Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Disorder of Liver

Instructions :

Health Tests

Chikungunya virus DNA-PCR, Serum

₹ 4500

Purpose : Chikungunya Fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

Chikungunya, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Chikungunya Fever

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Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgA Antibodies, Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose :

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Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose :

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Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgM Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : For diagnosis of chlamydial pneumoniae infection.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Chlamydia Trachomatis IgA Antibody, Serum

₹ 1400

Purpose : IgA antibody detection is, moreover, suitable for post-therapy follow-up.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 1400

Purpose : IgG antibody detection is a marker for a Chlamydia-positive immuneresponse, either for current, chronic or past infections

Instructions :

Health Tests

Chlamydia Trachomatis IgM Antibody, Serum

₹ 1400

Purpose : C. trachomatis is an intracellular parasite pathogen that is similar in cell wall structure to gram negative bacteria.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Chloride (CL), 24 hrs Urine

₹ 300

Purpose : Electrolyte Imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Chloride (CL), Ascitic Fluid

₹ 300

Purpose : Electrolyte Imbalance

Instructions :

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Chloride (CL), CSF

₹ 300

Purpose : Electrolyte Imbalance

Instructions :

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Chloride (CL), Pleural Fluid

₹ 300

Purpose : Electrolyte Imbalance

Instructions :

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Chloride (CL), Serum

₹ 150

Purpose : Electrolyte imbalance

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Chloride (CL), Sweat

₹ 300

Purpose : Electrolyte Imbalance

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Chloride (CL), Synovial Fluid

₹ 300

Purpose : Electrolyte Imbalance

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Chloride (CL), Urine

₹ 300

Purpose : Electrolyte Imbalance

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Cholesterol, Pericardial Fluid

₹ 400

Purpose : Atherogenic Status / Heart Disease

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Cholesterol, Serum

₹ 160

Purpose : Atherogenic Status / Heart Disease

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Cholesterol, Urine

₹ 400

Purpose : Atherogenic Status

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Cholinestrase, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : helps to determine risk of poisoning.

Instructions :

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Cholyglycin, Serum

₹ 18000

Purpose : Viral Hepatitis

Instructions :

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Chylomicron Qualitative/Chyle Test, Urine

₹ 800

Purpose : Dyslipidemia

Instructions :

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Citrate, 24 hrs Urine

₹ 2000

Purpose : To determine kidney stones

Instructions :

Health Tests

CK MB / CPK MB (CreatinePhospho Kinase), Serum

₹ 450

Purpose : Heart & Muscle Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

CMV Avidity (Cyto Megalo Virus), Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

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CMV DNA PCR (Cyto Megalo Virus) Qualitative, Serum

₹ 4000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

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CMV IgG Antibodies (Cytomegalo Virus), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

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CMV IgM Antibodies (Cytomegalo Virus), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

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Cold Agglutinin, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

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Health Tests

Collagen IV, Serum

₹ 18000

Purpose : For diagnosis of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Coombs Test (Direct), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 500

Purpose : Pregnancy, Anemia

Instructions :

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Coombs Test (Indirect), Serum

₹ 500

Purpose : Pregnancy, Anemia

Instructions :

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Copper, 24 hrs Urine

₹ 2000

Purpose : Metabolic Disorder

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Health Tests

Copper, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Metabolic Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cortisol (Evening 4 PM), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Disorders of Adrenal Gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cortisol (Morning 8 AM), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Disorders of Adrenal Gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cortisol suppression post Dexamethasone (Overnight), Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : The dexamethasone suppression test (DST) is used in the evaluation of endogenous Cushing syndrome (CS), by assessing for the lack of suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis by exogenous corticosteroids.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cortisol, 24hrs Urine

₹ 1000

Purpose : Disorders of Adrenal Gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cotinine / Nicotine Qualitative, Urine

₹ 1400

Purpose : drug

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Cotinine / Nicotine Quantitative, Urine

₹ 2000

Purpose : To Determine amount of cotinine in your urine

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Covid Antibody IgG, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : COVID disease

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Covid Antibody IgM, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : COVID disease

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Covid Antibody Total, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : COVID disease

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Covid Antigen, Serum

₹ 27000

Purpose : Antigen tests detect coronavirus proteins

Instructions :

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Covid-19 (SARS-Cov-2) RT-PCR, Nasal / Throat swab

₹ 300

Purpose : Corona Virus Check

Instructions :

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Coxsackie Antibody IgG, Serum

₹ 3500

Purpose : Infectious Disease

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Coxsackie Antibody IgM, Serum

₹ 3500

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

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CPK / CK (Creatine Phospho Kinase), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Heart & Muscle Disease

Instructions :

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Creatinine Clearence Rate, Serum and 24 hrs.Urine

₹ 500

Purpose : Kidney Disease

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Creatinine, 24 hrs Urine

₹ 300

Purpose : Kidney Disease

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Creatinine, Serum

₹ 160

Purpose : Kidney Disease

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Creatinine, Urine

₹ 300

Purpose : Kidney Disease

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CRT (Clot Retraction Time)

₹ 600

Purpose : Disorders of Coagulation

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cryptococcus Antigen (Quantitative), Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Cryptococcus Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cryptosporidium / Isospora, Stool

₹ 600

Purpose : Parasitic Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

CT (Clotting Time)(*Patient required to come at lab)

₹ 300

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

Culture & Sensitivity (Bactec), Heparin Whole Blood

₹ 1400

Purpose : A test that looks for germs (such as bacteria or fungi) in the blood.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Culture & Sensitivity - Anaerobic, All samples

₹ 1400

Purpose : Infectious Disease

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Culture & Sensitivity, CSF

₹ 900

Purpose : Infection

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Culture & Sensitivity, Heparin Whole Blood

₹ 1150

Purpose : For Infection

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Culture & Sensitivity, Pus

₹ 900

Purpose : Infectious Disease

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Culture & Sensitivity, Semen

₹ 900

Purpose : Infectious Disease

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Culture & Sensitivity, Sputum

₹ 900

Purpose : Infectious Disease

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Culture & Sensitivity, Stool

₹ 800

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Culture & Sensitivity, Urethral Discharge

₹ 900

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Culture & Sensitivity, Urine

₹ 800

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cyclospora, Stool

₹ 1000

Purpose : Infectious disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cyclosporin A, Serum

₹ 2600

Purpose : To measure the amount of this drug in the blood to determine whether cyclosporine concentrations have reached therapeutic levels and are not in a toxic range.

Instructions :

Health Tests

CYFRA 21.1, Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : It is a sensitive and specific tumor marker of NSCLC, especially of squamous cell subtype.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Cystatin C, Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Can be used to calculate glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

Instructions :

Health Tests

D Dimer Quantification, Citrate Plasma

₹ 1200

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Dengue IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Dengue

Instructions :

Health Tests

Dengue IgM Antibodies, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Dengue

Instructions :

Health Tests

Dengue NS1 Antigen (Elisa), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Dengue

Instructions :

Health Tests

DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone), Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Disorders of Adrenal Gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

Digoxin (Lanoxin), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

Dilantin/Phenytoin/Eptoin, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

DLC (Diffrential Leucocyte Count), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - 5 panel, Hair

₹ 6260

Purpose : Drug Detection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - 5 Panel, Urine

₹ 3000

Purpose : Drug detection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - 6 MAM (6-MonoAcetylMorphine), Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - 7 Panel, Hair

₹ 9990

Purpose : Drug Detection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Amphetamine, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Barbiturates, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Benzodiazapine, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Cannabinoids/THC/Marijuana, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Cocaine/Metabolites, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - MDMA/ Ecstasy / XTC/MDA, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Methadone, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Methamphetamine, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Methaqualone, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Methyl Amphetamine, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Morphine/Opiates, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Oxycodone, Urine

₹ 1000

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - PCP (Phen Cyclidine Phosphate), Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - Propoxyphene, Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Drug Test - TCA (Tri-Cyclic Anti-Depressants), Urine

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests


₹ 2400

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

E2 / Estradiol, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Hormone Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

E3 / Estriol (Free), Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Hormone Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV EA (Epstein Barr Virus Early Antigen) - IgA Antibodies, Serum

₹ 16000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV EA (Epstein Barr Virus Early Antigen) - IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV NA / EBNA (Epstein Barr Nuclear Antigen) - IgA Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV NA / EBNA (Epstein Barr Nuclear Antigen) - IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV NA / EBNA (Epstein Barr Nuclear Antigen) - IgM Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV VCA (Epstein Barr Virus Viral Capsid Antigen) - IgA Antibodies, Serum

₹ 16000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV VCA (Epstein Barr Virus Viral Capsid Antigen) - IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

EBV VCA (Epstein Barr Virus Viral Capsid Antigen) - IgM Antibodies, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

ECG (Electrocardiogram)

₹ 300

Purpose : Heart Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Echinococcus IgG (Hydatid Cyst), Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Parasitic Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

eGFR (Est Glomerular Filtration Rate), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Kidney disease

Instructions :

Health Tests


₹ 0

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

ENA (Extractable Nuclear Antigen), Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Autoimmune disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Endomysial IgA Antibody, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Malabsorption Syndrome

Instructions :

Health Tests

Endomysial IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Malabsorption Syndrome

Instructions :

Health Tests

Enzymatic Bilirubin Direct, Serum

₹ 5500

Purpose : Jaundice

Instructions :

Health Tests

Enzymatic Bilirubin Total, Serum

₹ 5500

Purpose : Jaundice

Instructions :

Health Tests

Erythropoietin, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Anemia, Kidney Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Inflammation, Infection, Arthritis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Estrogen, Serum

₹ 10000

Purpose : For determine female reproductive health, including puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.

Instructions :

Health Tests

FABP (Fatty Acid Binding Protein), Serum

₹ 25000

Purpose : Cardiac Risk Marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

Factor I Activity / Fibrinogen, Citrate Plasma

₹ 1000

Purpose : Clotting

Instructions :

Health Tests

Factor IX, Citrate Plasma

₹ 2000

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Factor V Mutant / Leiden, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 5500

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Factor V, Citrate Plasma

₹ 3500

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

Factor VIII Activity, Citrate Plasma

₹ 2000

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders

Instructions : .

Health Tests

FAI (Free Androgen Index), Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : Hormonal Status

Instructions :

Health Tests

FDP (Fibrinogen Degradation Products), Citrate Plasma

₹ 1200

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

Ferritin, Serum

₹ 650

Purpose : Anemia & Chronic diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

FIB4, Serum & EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 600

Purpose : liver fibrosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fluid Cytology For Malignant Cells, All Fluids

₹ 600

Purpose : cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fluid Routine Examination, Ascitic fluid

₹ 500

Purpose : Infection, Malignancy

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fluid Routine Examination, Pericardial fluid

₹ 500

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fluid Routine Examination, Peritoneal fluid

₹ 500

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fluid Routine Examination, Pleural fluid

₹ 500

Purpose : infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fluid Routine Examination, Synovial fluid

₹ 500

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) - with Procedure(*Patient required at lab)

₹ 1500

Purpose : Diagnosis of neoplastic & infectious diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology), Second opinion

₹ 600

Purpose : Diagnosis of neoplastic & infectious diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology), Slide

₹ 600

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Folic Acid ( Folate), Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Nutritional Disorder / Anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fructose Qualitative, Semen

₹ 400

Purpose : For obstructive pathology

Instructions :

Health Tests

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Infertility & menstrual disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

FTA ABS IgG (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption), Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fungus culture - Nail

₹ 1300

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fungus Culture - Skin Scrapping

₹ 1300

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fungus culture - Sputum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fungus Examination (KOH) - Hair

₹ 500

Purpose : Fungal Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fungus Examination (KOH) - Nail

₹ 500

Purpose : Fungal Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fungus Examination (KOH) - Ocular

₹ 3000

Purpose : Fungal Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Fungus Examination - Any Fluid

₹ 500

Purpose : To identify fungus.

Instructions : .

Health Tests

G6PD (Quantitative), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 850

Purpose : Hemolytic Anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

Gastrin Fasting, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Gastrin PP, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

GBM Antibody (Glomerular Basement Membrane) IgG, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

GCT After 1hr of 50 gm Glucose, Fluoride Plasma

₹ 100

Purpose : Screening for Diabetes during pregnancy

Instructions :

Health Tests

GDH (Glutamate Dehydrogenase), Serum

₹ 25000

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

GeneXpert, CSF

₹ 2200

Purpose : GeneXpert

Instructions :

Health Tests

GeneXpert, Sputum

₹ 2200

Purpose : GeneXpert

Instructions :

Health Tests

GGT / GGTP / Gamma GT (Gamma Glutamyl Transferase), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Liver Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Giardia Antigen, Stool

₹ 1600

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Gliadin IgA, Serum

₹ 1750

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Gliadin IgG, Serum

₹ 1750

Purpose : .

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Fasting (FBS), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : Detection and management of diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Post Dinner (after 2 hrs), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : For detection and management of Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Post Lunch (after 1 hr), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : For detection and management of Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Post Lunch (after 2 hours), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : For detection and management of Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Post Prandial / PPBS, Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : Detection and management of diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Pre Dinner, Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : For detection and management of Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Pre Lunch, Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : For detection and management of Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose - Random (RBS), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 80

Purpose : Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose / Sugar, Urine

₹ 80

Purpose : Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose, CSF

₹ 150

Purpose : To evaluate effusions

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose, Pericardial Fluid

₹ 150

Purpose : To evaluate effusions

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose, Peritoneal Fluid

₹ 150

Purpose : To evaluate effusions

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose, Pleural Fluid

₹ 150

Purpose : To evaluate effusions

Instructions :

Health Tests

Glucose, Synovial Fluid

₹ 150

Purpose : To evaluate effusions

Instructions :

Health Tests

Gluten Allergy, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Allergy detection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Gram Stain, Any fluid

₹ 350

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Growth Hormone / GH / HGH, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Disorders of Growth

Instructions :

Health Tests

Growth Hormone Stimulation Test, Serum

₹ 5000

Purpose : The test measures the ability of the pituitary to secrete growth hormone in response to the arginine.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 1/2hr of 100 gm Glucose (2 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 180

Purpose : Detection and management of diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 1hr of 100 gm Glucose (3 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 270

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 1hr of 100 gm Glucose, Fluoride Plasma

₹ 90

Purpose : Diagnosis of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 1hr of 75 gm Glucose (2 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 180

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 1hr of 75 gm Glucose (3 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 270

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 1hr of 75 gm Glucose (4 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 360

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 2hr of 150 gm Glucose (2 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 180

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 2hr of 75 gm Glucose (1 sample), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 100

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 2hr of 75 gm Glucose (2 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 180

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

GTT After 2hr of 75 gm Glucose (3 Samples), Fluoride Plasma

₹ 270

Purpose : For diagnosis of diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu), Nasal & throat swab in VTM tube

₹ 5000

Purpose : For swine flu

Instructions :

Health Tests

HA (Haemagglutination), Serum

₹ 18000

Purpose : To quantify the amount of Newcastle disease virus

Instructions :

Health Tests

Haemogram, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 350

Purpose : Blood Counts

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hanging Drop For Vibrio Cholera, Stool

₹ 300

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Haptoglobulin, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : For diagnose hemolytic anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hb (Haemoglobin), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 110

Purpose : Anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hb Electrophoresis, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 950

Purpose : Anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 450

Purpose : Monitoring of treatment of diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

HDL (Good Cholesterol), Serum

₹ 260

Purpose : for heart disease.

Instructions :

Health Tests

He4 (Human Epididymis Protein 4), Serum

₹ 2300

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Heinz Bodies, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 300

Purpose : Heinz bodies are RBC inclusions which indicate precipitation of denatured hemoglobin

Instructions :

Health Tests

Helicobacter Pylori IgA Antibodies, Serum

₹ 1750

Purpose : In peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma

Instructions :

Health Tests

Helicobacter Pylori IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 1750

Purpose : In peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma

Instructions :

Health Tests

Helicobacter Pylori IgM Antibodies, Serum

₹ 1750

Purpose : In peptic ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (Anti HAV) - IgM , Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Hepatitis A

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis A Virus Antibody (Anti HAV) - Total, Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Hepatitis A

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc) - IgM, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc) - Total, Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Envelope Antibody (Anti Hbe), Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B envelope Antigen (HbeAg), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs) - Total with Titers, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : A hepatitis B titer test specifically looks for antibodies that suggest that you're immune from the hepatitis B virus — either from vaccination

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti Hbs), Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) - Quantitative , Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen / HBsAg / Australia Antigen, Serum

₹ 550

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV DNA PCR) - Qualitative, EDTA Plasma

₹ 4500

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) - Viral Load, EDTA Plasma

₹ 7500

Purpose : Hepatitis B

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Genotyping with Drug Resistance & Quantitive PCR, EDTA Plasma

₹ 16500

Purpose : For detection & Genotyping of HBV

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Genotyping with Drug Resistance, EDTA Plasma

₹ 10800

Purpose : This test is intended for use an aid in management of HBV intended patients.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Genotyping, EDTA Plasma

₹ 10000

Purpose : For detection & Genotyping of HBV

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) - Genotyping, EDTA Plasma

₹ 7200

Purpose : Hepatitis C

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) - RNA Detection / Viral Load, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 7000

Purpose : Hepatitis c

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (Anti HCV) - IgG, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Hepatitis C

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (Anti HCV) - IgM, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (Anti HCV) - Total, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Hepatitis C

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis D Virus Antibody (Anti HDV) - IgM , Serum

₹ 6500

Purpose : Hepatitis D

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis E Virus Antibody (Anti HEV) - IgG, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Hepatitis E

Instructions :

Health Tests

Hepatitis E Virus Antibody (Anti HEV) - IgM, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Hepatitis E

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 (HSV) - DNA PCR, Blister

₹ 6200

Purpose : Herpes Simplex Virus infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 (HSV) - DNA PCR, CSF

₹ 6200

Purpose : Herpes Simplex Virus infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 (HSV) - DNA PCR, Ulcer

₹ 6200

Purpose : Herpes Simplex Virus infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 (HSV) - IgG, Serum

₹ 700

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2 (HSV) - IgM, Serum

₹ 700

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV) - IgG, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : The purpose of testing for genital and oral herpes is to identify evidence of an HSV infection.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV) - IgM, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : To detect early herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection,The purpose of testing for genital and oral herpes is to identify evidence of an HSV infection.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV) - IgG, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV) - IgM, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : To detect early herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection,The purpose of testing for genital and oral herpes is to identify evidence of an HSV infection.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Histone Antibody IgG, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : autoimmune disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Histopathology (Large), Any Specimen

₹ 2000

Purpose : Tissue Study

Instructions :

Health Tests

Histopathology (Medium), Any Specimen

₹ 1500

Purpose : Tissue Study

Instructions :

Health Tests

Histopathology (Small), Any Specimen

₹ 1200

Purpose : Tissue Study

Instructions :

Health Tests

Histopathology - Slide Review

₹ 600

Purpose : Tissue Study

Instructions :

Health Tests

HIV 1 Proviral DNA PCR, EDTA Plasma

₹ 5000

Purpose : AIDS

Instructions :

Health Tests

HIV Duo Ultra, Serum

₹ 700

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

HIV I & II / Anti HIV, Serum

₹ 530

Purpose : AIDS

Instructions :

Health Tests

HIV p24 Antigen, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : AIDS

Instructions :

Health Tests

HIV Quantitative (Viral Load), Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : AIDS

Instructions :

Health Tests

HIV RNA PCR (Qualitative), EDTA Plasma

₹ 5400

Purpose : AIDS

Instructions :

Health Tests

HIV Western Blot, Serum

₹ 3600

Purpose : AIDS

Instructions :

Health Tests

HLA B27 (Flow cytometry), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 2400

Purpose : HLA Disease Association

Instructions :

Health Tests

HLA B27 (PCR), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 3200

Purpose : A blood test to look for a protein that is found on the surface of white blood cells.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Homocysteine (HCY), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Cardiac Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

IL6 (Interleukin 6), Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Disorder of Immunity

Instructions :

Health Tests

Immunoglobulin A / IgA, Serum

₹ 390

Purpose : Immune status

Instructions :

Health Tests

Immunoglobulin A / IgA, Urine

₹ 11000

Purpose : To assess kidney function

Instructions :

Health Tests

Immunoglobulin E / IgE, Serum

₹ 900

Purpose : Immune status

Instructions :

Health Tests

Immunoglobulin G / IgG, Serum

₹ 390

Purpose : Immune status

Instructions :

Health Tests

Immunoglobulin M / IgM, Serum

₹ 470

Purpose : Immune status

Instructions :

Health Tests

India Ink Preperation, CSF

₹ 500

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Infectious Mononucleosis Test, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Inhibin A Reproductive Marker, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : The level of inhibin A in the blood is used in a maternal serum quadruple screening test.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Inhibin B, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : Infertility Evaluation

Instructions :

Health Tests

Insulin Antibody, Serum

₹ 2000

Purpose : Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Insulin Fasting, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Diabetes / Pancreatic Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Insulin PP, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Diabetes / Pancreatic Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Insulin Random, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Diabetes / Pancreatic Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Intrinsic Factor Antibody, Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : Disorder of Immunity

Instructions :

Health Tests

Iron (Fe), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Anemia / Toxicity

Instructions :

Health Tests

Iron (Transferrin) Saturation, Serum

₹ 700

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Islet Cell Antibody, Serum

₹ 2400

Purpose : Diabetes

Instructions :

Health Tests

Kala Azar / Leishmania IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Kala zar

Instructions :

Health Tests

Kappa and Lambda free light chains, Serum

₹ 7000

Purpose : This test is use in multiple myeloma & Lymphopolyferative Diseases.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Kappa Light Chains, Serum

₹ 4000

Purpose : Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

KCT (Kaolin Clotting Time), Citrate Plasma

₹ 1500

Purpose : Clot Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Ketone / Acetone, Urine

₹ 100

Purpose : For diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in people with diabetes.

Instructions :

Health Tests

KFT/RFT (Renal/Kidney Function Test) EXTENDED , Serum

₹ 1230

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

KFT/RFT (Renal/Kidney Function Test) with ELECTROLYTES, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

LAC (Lupus Anti Coagulation), Citrate Plasma

₹ 1500

Purpose : Thromboembolic Disorders in Pregnancy

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lactate, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : For diagnose lactic acidosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lambda Light Chain, Serum

₹ 4500

Purpose : Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

Laminin, Serum

₹ 18000

Purpose : lung cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

LDH (Lactate De Hydrogenase), Ascitic Fluid

₹ 600

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

LDH (Lactate De Hydrogenase), Peritoneal Fluid

₹ 600

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

LDH (Lactate De Hydrogenase), Pleural Fluid

₹ 600

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

LDH (Lactate De Hydrogenase), Serum

₹ 400

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

LDH Isoenzymes, Serum

₹ 5000

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

LDL Cholesterol (Bad Cholesterol), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

LDL Subfractions, Serum

₹ 8000

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

LE Cell Detection, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 400

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lead Analysis, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 2500

Purpose : Industrial Diseases & Lead poisoning

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lead, Spot Urine

₹ 2500

Purpose : Industrial Diseases & Lead poisoning

Instructions :

Health Tests

Leptospira IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Infections / Meningitis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Leptospira IgM Antibody, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Infections / Meningitis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Leukocytes, Urine

₹ 100

Purpose : Infections

Instructions :

Health Tests

LFT (Liver Function Test) EXTENDED, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

LFT (Liver Function Test) NEONATAL, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

LFT (Liver Function Test), Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

LH (Leutinizing Hormone), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Infertility & menstrual disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lipase, Serum

₹ 630

Purpose : Pancreas disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests


₹ 2100

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests


₹ 900

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

Lipoprotein A / Lp(a), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lipoprotein Electrophoresis, Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lithium (Li), Serum

₹ 500

Purpose : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

Lp-PLA2 Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), Serum

₹ 10000

Purpose : To assess risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Magnesium (Mg), Serum

₹ 550

Purpose : Industrial Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Malaria Antigen (Vivax and Falciparum), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 700

Purpose : Parasitic Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Malaria by Real Time PCR, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 3500

Purpose : Malaria

Instructions :

Health Tests

Malaria Serology, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 700

Purpose : Parasitic Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Mantoux Test / Tuberculin Test(*Patient required to come at lab)

₹ 200

Purpose : Indicates exposure to M.tb with good immunity.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Measles (Rubeola) IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Measles (Rubeola) IgM Antibodies, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Meth Haemoglobin, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 1500

Purpose : To check capability of transporting oxygen in blood.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Micro ESR, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Micro Filaria / Filaria Antigen / Waucheria Bancrofti, Serum / EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 1000

Purpose : Filaria fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

Microalbumin, 12hrs Urine

₹ 600

Purpose : Renal disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Microalbumin, 24hrs Urine

₹ 600

Purpose : Renal disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Microalbumin, Spot Urine

₹ 600

Purpose : Renal disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Microprotein / Creatinine Ratio, Spot Urine

₹ 700

Purpose : Kidney disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Microsporidium, Stool

₹ 800

Purpose : infectious disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Mucopolysaccharides (MPS) Qualitative, Urine

₹ 500

Purpose : Metabolic Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Mumps IgG Antibodies, CSF

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Mumps IgG Antibodies, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Mumps IgM Antibodies, CSF

₹ 2000

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Mumps IgM Antibodies, Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Antibody IgG & IgM, Serum

₹ 5500

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Myoglobin, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Disorders of Muscle

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neonatal Bilirubin (TDI), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Jaundice

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neonatal Bilirubin Direct, Serum

₹ 150

Purpose : Jaundice

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neonatal Bilirubin Total, Serum

₹ 150

Purpose : Jaundice

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neonatal FT3, Serum

₹ 360

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neonatal FT4, Serum

₹ 360

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neonatal TSH, Serum

₹ 380

Purpose : Jaundice

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neutralizing Antibody, Serum

₹ 34000

Purpose : To help determine prior exposure to the virus

Instructions :

Health Tests

Neutrophil - Lymphocyte Ratio, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Represents disease severity

Instructions :

Health Tests

NGAL (Neurophil Gelatinase associated Lipocalin), Urine

₹ 8000

Purpose : For acute kidney injury

Instructions :

Health Tests

Nickel (Ni), 24 hrs Urine

₹ 4000

Purpose : Industrial Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Nickel (Ni), Spot Urine

₹ 4000

Purpose : Industrial Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Nitrite, Urine

₹ 100

Purpose : Urinary Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Nor Adrenaline / Nor Epinephrine, 24hrs Urine

₹ 4000

Purpose : Disorder of Adrenal Gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

Nor Adrenaline / Nor Epinephrine, EDTA Plasma

₹ 4000

Purpose : Disorder of Adrenal Gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

NSE (Neuron Specific Enolase), Serum

₹ 4500

Purpose : Tumor Marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

NT - Pro BNP, Serum

₹ 3500

Purpose : Heart Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Occult Blood, Stool

₹ 160

Purpose : Disorders of intestinal tract

Instructions :

Health Tests

Occult Blood, Urine

₹ 200

Purpose : Disorders of intestinal tract

Instructions :

Health Tests

Osmolality, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Water Imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Osmolality, Urine

₹ 800

Purpose : Water Imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Osmotic Fragility, EDTA Plasma

₹ 1000

Purpose : Anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

Osteocalcin (Bone GLA Protein), Serum

₹ 5000

Purpose : Disorder of bone

Instructions :

Health Tests

Oxalates, 24 Hrs Urine

₹ 2500

Purpose : Stone analysis

Instructions :

Health Tests

PAP (Prostatic Acid Phosphatase) / Acid Phosphatase (Prostatic Fraction), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Disorder of Prostatic gland

Instructions :

Health Tests

PAP Smear - Slide Review

₹ 550

Purpose : Cytological Cells

Instructions :

Health Tests

PAP Smear - with procedure

₹ 1500

Purpose : Cytological Cells

Instructions :

Health Tests

PAPPa (Pregnancy Assoaciated Plasma Protein a), Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Used in 1st trimester Prenatal Screening.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Parainfluenza 1,2 & 3 IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : screening test to diagnose infections by these viruses

Instructions :

Health Tests

Parainfluenza 1,2 & 3 IgM Antibody, Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : screening test to diagnose infections by these viruses

Instructions :

Health Tests

Parietal Cell Antibody, Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : A test that measures the presence of antibodies against gastric parietal cells.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Parvovirus IgM, Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Paul Bunnell, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Autoimmune Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Ascitic Fluid

₹ 2200

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Bronchial Aspirate

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), CAPD Fluid

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), CSF

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Endometrial curettage

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Menstrual Blood

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Peritoneal Fluid

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Pleural Fluid

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Pus

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Semen

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Sputum

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Synovial Fluid

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCR for Tuberculosis (TB), Urine

₹ 2200

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCT (Procalcitonin), Serum

₹ 3000

Purpose : In Bacterial Infection. Also used for monitoring therapeutic response to antibacterial therapy.

Instructions :

Health Tests

PCV / Haematocrit / Hct, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Used to diagnose/evaluate anaemia (decrease of red blood cells), polycythaemia (increase in red blood cells) or dehydration

Instructions :

Health Tests

PDW (Platelet Distribution Width), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 300

Purpose : It reflects variability in platelet size & is considered a marker of platelet function and activation. Also used as marker of activation of coagulation.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Pepsinogen I, Serum

₹ 25000

Purpose : To diagnose stomach cancer and atrophic gastritis

Instructions :

Health Tests

Pepsinogen II, Serum

₹ 25000

Purpose : Pepsinogen levels increase due to inflammation in the gastric mucosa, including inflammation resulting from Helicobacter pylori infection. A decrease in pepsinogen II level suggests successful eradication of infection.

Instructions :

Health Tests

PFT (Pulmonary Function Test / Spirometry / Lung Function Test)(*Patient required at lab)

₹ 1500

Purpose : Respiratory disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Ph, Stool

₹ 150

Purpose : X

Instructions :

Health Tests

Ph, Urine

₹ 150

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Phenobarbitone / Gardenal, Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

Phenol (Benzene)

₹ 3000

Purpose : To ensure that the measures kept in place for occupational benzene exposure are working.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Phosphorus (P), 24 hrs. Urine

₹ 320

Purpose : Bone Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Phosphorus (P), Serum

₹ 180

Purpose : Bone Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

PIIIP N-P (Collagen Type III N-peptide), Serum

₹ 18000

Purpose : To assess hepatic fibrosis in patients on long-term Methotrexate

Instructions :

Health Tests

Platelet Antibodies Qualitative, Serum

₹ 6000

Purpose : Bleeding Disorders

Instructions :

Health Tests

Platelet Count, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Dengue, Platelet Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Pneumocystis Carini Detection, Sputum / Bronchal Aspirate

₹ 3000

Purpose : Disorders of coagulation, Infections, Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

Porphobilinogen Qualitative, Spot Urine

₹ 3500

Purpose : Urinary Porphobilinogen is the first step in the diagnosis of acute porphyrias such as acute intermittent porphyria (AIP).

Instructions :

Health Tests

Porphobilinogen Quantitative, 24hrs Urine

₹ 5000

Purpose : Urinary Porphobilinogen is the first step in the diagnosis of acute porphyrias such as acute intermittent porphyria (AIP).

Instructions :

Health Tests

Potassium (K), 24 Hrs. Urine

₹ 320

Purpose : Electrolyte imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Potassium (K), Serum

₹ 190

Purpose : Electrolyte imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Prealbumin, Serum / EDTA Whole blood

₹ 5500

Purpose : Liver disease and acute inflammation

Instructions :

Health Tests

Progesteron, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Disorders of endocrine system

Instructions :

Health Tests

Proinsulin, Serum

₹ 17000

Purpose : For diagnosis of insulinoma for blood glucose levels ranging from 2.5 to 3.3 mmol/l during the fast test (9) or when evaluated after an overnight fast, even without concomitant hypoglycaemia (7).

Instructions :

Health Tests

Prolactin (PRL) / Luteotropic H - Tripooled, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Disorders of endocrine system

Instructions :

Health Tests

Prolactin (PRL) / Luteotropic Hormone, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Disorders of endocrine system

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein C Function, Citrate Plasma

₹ 4000

Purpose : Useful for differentiating Congenital Type I Protein C deficiency from Type II deficiency. Also helps in evaluating decreased functional Protein C, specially of Congenital origin rather than Acquired one e.g. due to oral anticoagulant effect , Vitamin K deficiency, Liver disease or DIC.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Creatinine Ratio, 24 Hrs Urine

₹ 600

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Creatinine Ratio, Spot Urine

₹ 600

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hrs Urine

₹ 2000

Purpose : Myeloma

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Electrophoresis, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Myeloma

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Electrophoresis, Spot urine

₹ 2000

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein S Activity, Citrate Plasma

₹ 3600

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Total with AG ratio, Serum(Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, AG ratio)

₹ 330

Purpose : Malnutrition & kidney / liver diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Total, 24Hrs Urine

₹ 350

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Total, Pleural Fluid

₹ 350

Purpose : X

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Total, Serum

₹ 190

Purpose : Malnutrition & kidney / liver diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Protein Total, Spot Urine

₹ 280

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

PS (Peripheral Smear), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 300

Purpose : Anemia & hematological malignancies.

Instructions :

Health Tests

PS for MP (Malarial Parasite), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 300

Purpose : Parasitic Infection (Malaria)

Instructions :

Health Tests

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) - Total, Serum

₹ 800

Purpose : Prostrate Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

PSA (Prostrate Specific Antigen) - Free, Serum

₹ 850

Purpose : Prostrate Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

PT (Prothrombin Time), Citrate Plasma

₹ 350

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

PTH / IPTH (Impact Parathyroid Hormone), Serum

₹ 1600

Purpose : Cancer

Instructions :

Health Tests

PTT / PTTK / APTT (Partial Thromboplastin Time - Activated), Citrate Plasma

₹ 500

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests


₹ 3600

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis) - Qualitative, Serum

₹ 350

Purpose : Arthritis

Instructions :

Health Tests

RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis) - Quantitative, Serum

₹ 460

Purpose : Arthritis

Instructions :

Health Tests

RBC Count, Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

RDW, Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Reducing Substance, Stool

₹ 150

Purpose : X

Instructions :

Health Tests

Renin Activity, EDTA Plasma

₹ 5000

Purpose : Hypertension

Instructions :

Health Tests

Reticulocyte Count, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 400

Purpose : Anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

Rotavirus Antigen, Stool

₹ 1500

Purpose : To detect Rota Virus infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Rubella (German Measles) IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 660

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Rubella (German Measles) IgG Avidity, Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Rubella (German Measles) IgM Antibody, Serum

₹ 660

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

SAAG (Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient), Serum

₹ 400

Purpose : Use for evaluation of ascites

Instructions :

Health Tests

Salicylate, Serum

₹ 10000

Purpose : Theraputic drug monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

Sangtec 100, Serum

₹ 32000

Purpose : NA

Instructions :

Health Tests

SCCA (Squamous cell carcinoma) - Total, Serum

₹ 32000

Purpose : Tumor marker for diagnosing squamous cancers or monitoring the response to cancer treatment

Instructions :

Health Tests

Semen Routine Examination / HSA (*Patient required at lab)

₹ 450

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Serotonin / 5-HT (5-Hydroxy Tryptamine), Serum

₹ 11000

Purpose : This test may be done to diagnose carcinoid syndrome

Instructions :

Health Tests

SGOT / AST (Aspartate AminoTransferase), Serum

₹ 190

Purpose : Liver Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

SGPT / ALT (Alanine AminoTransferase), Serum

₹ 190

Purpose : Liver Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Infertility

Instructions :

Health Tests

Sickling Test, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 500

Purpose : Sickle Cell Anemia

Instructions :

Health Tests

Smear for Gonococcus

₹ 400

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Sodium (Na), 24 Hrs. Urine

₹ 320

Purpose : Electrolyte imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Sodium (Na), Serum

₹ 190

Purpose : Electrolyte imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

Sodium (Na), Spot Urine

₹ 250

Purpose : Electrolyte imbalance

Instructions :

Health Tests

SRBD (Spiked Protein), Serum

₹ 35000

Purpose : Detects total antibodies directed against the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the viral spike (S) protein.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Stool Routine Examination

₹ 150

Purpose : Infections

Instructions :

Health Tests

T3 (Triiodothyronine), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Thyroid Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

T3 Free / FT3 (Triiodothyronine), Serum

₹ 350

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests

T4 (Thyroxine), Serum

₹ 300

Purpose : Thyroid Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

T4 Free / FT4 (Thyroxine), Serum

₹ 350

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests

Tacrolimus / FK-506, Serum

₹ 3800

Purpose : It is an effective immunosuppressant for the prevention of organ rejection after organ transplantation.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Taenia Solium IgG / Cysticercosis / Cystircus, CSF

₹ 1500

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Taenia Solium IgG / Cysticercosis / Cystircus, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

TB Gold IGRA / Interferon Gamma, Lithium Heparin

₹ 3000

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions :

Health Tests

TB Gold Quantiferon, Lithium Heparin

₹ 2800

Purpose : Disorder of Immunity

Instructions :

Health Tests

Testosterone (Free), Serum

₹ 1600

Purpose : Infertility

Instructions :

Health Tests

Testosterone, Serum

₹ 700

Purpose : Infertility

Instructions :

Health Tests

Tetanus Toxoid IgG Antibodies Quantitative, Serum

₹ 4000

Purpose : Parasitic Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

TG (Triglycerides), Serum

₹ 330

Purpose : To assess risk for heart disease, stroke, and other conditions that involve your arteries, such as PAD (peripheral arterial disease).

Instructions :

Health Tests

TG (Triglycerides), Urine

₹ 390

Purpose : To assess the risk for heart disease, stroke, and other conditions that involve your arteries, such as PAD (peripheral arterial disease).

Instructions :

Health Tests

Theophylline, Serum

₹ 1500

Purpose : Theraputic drug monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

Thrombin Time, Citrate Plasma

₹ 1000

Purpose : Coagulation Studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

Thyroglobulin, Serum

₹ 1900

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests

Thyroid profile

₹ 400

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

Thyroid profile Free

₹ 475

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

Thyroid profile Free, Noenatal

₹ 475

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity), Serum

₹ 400

Purpose : Measures the blood's ability to attach itself to iron and transport it around the body.

Instructions :

Health Tests

TLC (Total Leucocyte Count), EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 150

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

TMA (Thyroid Microsomal Antibody), Serum

₹ 16000

Purpose : To confirm the cause of thyroid problems, including Hashimoto thyroiditis

Instructions :

Health Tests

TNF (Tissue / Tumour Necrosis Factor) Alpha, Serum

₹ 4200

Purpose : Tumor

Instructions :

Health Tests

TORCH IgG 5 Parameter, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

TORCH IgG, Serum

₹ 1400

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

TORCH IgM 5 Parameter, Serum

₹ 2200

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

TORCH IgM, Serum

₹ 1400

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

Toxo IgG Avidity, Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : Used for estimation of infection acquisition time and identification of the primary T. gondii infection during pregnancy.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Toxoplasma IgG, Serum

₹ 640

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Toxoplasma IgM, Serum

₹ 640

Purpose : Infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

TPA (Tissue plasminogen activator), Serum

₹ 20000

Purpose : In detecting disorders of the fibrinolytic system.

Instructions :

Health Tests

TPHA (Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Infectious Disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

TPMT (Thiopurine Methyltransferase), Serum

₹ 5600

Purpose : To evaluate the importance of TPMT activity in the management of azathioprine therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Transferrin, Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : For Iron deficiency

Instructions :

Health Tests

TRH (Thyroid Releasing Hormone), Serum

₹ 2500

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests


₹ 3200

Purpose : .

Instructions : .

Health Tests

Troponin I (Qualitative), Serum

₹ 1600

Purpose : Cardiac Marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

Troponin I - High sensitive (hsTnI), Serum

₹ 1800

Purpose : For heart attacks and other heart-related problems.

Instructions :

Health Tests

Troponin T, EDTA Whole Blood

₹ 1600

Purpose : Cardiac Marker

Instructions :

Health Tests

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), Serum

₹ 293

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests

TSH Receptor Antibody, Serum

₹ 4000

Purpose : Thyroid

Instructions :

Health Tests

TTG IgA (Tissue Transglutaminase), Serum

₹ 1000

Purpose : GI Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

TTG IgG (Tissue Transglutaminase), Serum

₹ 1100

Purpose :

Instructions :

Health Tests

Typhi Dot (Salmonella Typhi) - IgG & IgM, Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Typhiod fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

Typhi Dot (Salmonella Typhi) - IgG, Serum

₹ 450

Purpose : Typhiod fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

Typhi Dot (Salmonella Typhi) - IgM, Serum

₹ 450

Purpose : Typhiod fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

UIBC (Unbound Iron Binding Capacity), Serum

₹ 600

Purpose : Iron studies

Instructions :

Health Tests

UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test)

₹ 200

Purpose : Pregnancy

Instructions :

Health Tests

Urea, Pericardial Fluid

₹ 250

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Urea, Serum

₹ 140

Purpose : Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Uric Acid, 24 hrs Urine

₹ 300

Purpose : GAUT, Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Uric Acid, Serum

₹ 160

Purpose : GAUT, Kidney Disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Urine Routine & Microscopy (RUA)

₹ 120

Purpose : Kidney Disorder & urinary infection

Instructions :

Health Tests

Urobilinogen, Urine

₹ 150

Purpose : Liver disorder

Instructions :

Health Tests

Valproic Acid / Valparin / Valporate, Serum

₹ 900

Purpose : Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Instructions :

Health Tests

VDRL (RPR), Serum

₹ 190

Purpose : Infectious disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vericella Zoster Virus / VZV / Herpes Zoster - IgG Antibody, Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vericella Zoster Virus / VZV / Herpes Zoster - IgM Antibody, Serum

₹ 1300

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vitamin A (Retinol), Serum

₹ 5000

Purpose : Vitamin status

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin), Serum

₹ 1200

Purpose : For Vitamin deficiency

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine / Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate / PLP), Serum

₹ 5000

Purpose : Vitamin Status

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Serum

₹ 5000

Purpose : Disorder of Nutrition

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vitamin D (1,25 Dihydroxy Cholecalciferol), Serum

₹ 3500

Purpose : Disorder of bone, rickets, chronic renal disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vitamin D3 (25 Hydroxy Cholecalciferol), Serum

₹ 1550

Purpose : Disorder of bone, rickets, chronic renal disease

Instructions :

Health Tests

Vitamin E (Tocopherol), Serum

₹ 5000

Purpose : Vitamin status

Instructions :

Health Tests

VMA (Vanilyl Mandelic Acid), 24 Hrs Urine

₹ 3500

Purpose : Adrenal tumor

Instructions :

Health Tests

VMA (Vanilyl Mandelic Acid), Urine Random

₹ 3500

Purpose : Adrenal tumor

Instructions :

Health Tests

VWF (Von Willebrand Factor) Antigen, Serum

₹ 10000

Purpose : Helps in differentiating vWD from hemophillia. Also useful for monitoring therapeutic efficacy of treatment with vWF

Instructions :

Health Tests

Weil Felix, Serum

₹ 900

Purpose : Infectious Diseases

Instructions :

Health Tests

Widal Slide, Serum

₹ 290

Purpose : Typhoid fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

Widal Tube, Serum

₹ 350

Purpose : Typhoid fever

Instructions :

Health Tests

ZN Stain for AFB (Ziehl Neelsen), Any Fluid

₹ 330

Purpose : Tuberculosis

Instructions : .

Health Tests

ZN Stain for AFB (Ziehl Neelsen), Urine

₹ 330

Purpose : .

Instructions :

Order Summary

2 Item in Cart

  • Cholesterol, Serum ₹ 160.00
    Cholesterol, Serum ₹ 160.00
  • Total ₹ 320.00